Week 3 update

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I figured that it has been a few weeks now that I’m into this and I really haven’t shown any update photos of how my body has been changing to cope with doing volume numbers that this week will break 50k pounds. I don’t use a scale so I can’t tell you what I weigh in at currently but I can tell you that I’m looking better, clothes are fitting better, and besides my usual issue of having the extra skin from losing all the weight I’m happy with how I look.

Pretty happy with this look here. Not bad for a guy that doesn't actually do any bodybuilding type work.

Pretty happy with this look here. Not bad for a guy that doesn’t actually do any bodybuilding type work.

Back game felt on point today.

Back game felt on point today.

Overall I think that I’m showing some good improvement across the board. In terms of my ability under the bar I’m doing great, the weight is heavy, but I do the sets and I’m becoming a much more efficient lifter. My body is responding to the demands and I’m seeing growth in various areas. I think back to the way that my body changed to deal with the challenges of Fort Sill and training, and now my body is taking on a completely different challenge and doing well in that as well. Tomorrow I finish the Chicago sleeve, and it will be good to get to a stopping point tattoo wise for a while. have more ideas but I’m waiting for summer to pass. This is the first year that I really feel good about how I look and am anticipating doing things that will let me show off all my hard work. Now if only I learned how to pose like a pro and put in some work on bodybuilding type exercises to really get some definition.

Putting fitness to use

I have to say that I look pretty good in a helmet. Over the weekend I spent my days on the back of the motorcycle you see pictured. It was a good break from the time in the gym and I got to put my work to use in a way that I haven’t in a long time. I grew up riding, learning to ride a little dirt bike at 7, and rode all through my childhood. I’ve ridden off and on since then but this year I finally took the Motorcycle Riders Course so that I could get the discount on my insurance and buy a new bike this year. It was good to practice my skills, and even managed to get a perfect score on the evaluation. At the end of the weekend they asked if anyone would like to work for the course and so I put my name in to start out helping at the range and by the end of the year I could be an instructor myself. Now to get back on the grind, 4 squat days this week for Smolov, weights are 250, 265, 2980, 300. And on Thursday I’m finally finishing the tattoo sleeve. I can’t wait. Bring on another week, and I guess bring on the 5k that happens Sunday. Turns out you can squat all the time and then run races.2015-04-26 07.52.04 2015-04-26 11.05.01

Week 1 in the books capped off with Rugby!

2015-04-17 17.46.05This is me at the end of week 1 of Smolov. On the ground, pretty sure I was mostly dead, maybe completely dead, and wondering where the strength to get up was going to come from. Friday night was filled with 30 squats at 90%, the fourth consecutive squat day was 10×3, and it was miserable. When I was researching the program and people talked about the difficulty of the program, and how hard it was mentally as well as physically I thought to myself that I’m a pretty tough guy, I’ve done a lot, I can do this. Well let me own up to it and say that it was hard, I wanted to quit more than once, and while I didn’t, and I won’t the mental game of this program is every bit as rough as the physical toll of squatting massive amounts of weight. I’m brought back to my early days of CrossFit, the struggle of doing even the OnRamp at 340 pounds was ridiculous, and then attempting to do normal classes I was constantly confronted with the limits that being that obese puts in front of you. While the challenge is different the struggle is oddly similar. Physically the challenges of life have changed but finding the will and motivation to push forward and confront the barriers bring me back to those first few months. Back to the days when a box jump was not a possibility, pullups where an illusion, and doing most barbel movements with anything more than 75 pounds was unthinkable. I walked into the gym each day and I never even checked the WOD because the workout that I would have to do rarely seemed to resemble what was on the board. It was those early days of CrossFit that forged me, I walked in each day and took on the challenge that was put before me, and each day I got a little better. My time at Capital City went from three days, to four, then five days a week. My abilities improved and I saw myself changing. On days like yesterday I think back and remember that feeling, and the goals that I had set for myself way back then, then I am able to push on and improve on where I am today. After finishing my last set, experiencing near death, and collecting my wits about me I got ready to take on the WOD. Friday was a running one of course, I slightly modified it since I do have the Army to think of and a PT test looming in the future. We did 5 rounds of 400M run, and I did 15 pushups, and 25 situps, which I did to Army standards. The rest of the class did 15 wall balls, and 25 abmat sit ups.

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I made sure to squat like a boss and do it without a shirt, because it’s hot, and squats at 90% are hard.

I did the WOD and did okay, I can run when I need to but I have no desire to on a daily basis. I have the 5k coming up in two weeks, and I will likely just continue to run in WODs until then and see how the race goes to judge if I need to do some actual running before I have to run a 2 mile this summer. I capped the week off with four straight squat days, with a rep range from 9-3 and weight range from 225-275, and a total weight moved of 35825 pounds. Not shabby for a first week.

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I then took on my “rest day” it’s in quotes because by rest day I mean RUGBY DAY! Saturday’s are great and spending time on the field with the Springfield Celts is a great way to spend a weekend. Since I am no longer a huge guy I’ve moved positions this year and I’m playing Lock. We played a team from Northwest Indiana and it was a warm, hard-hitting, fun game. I ended up playing a solid 60 of the 80 minutes of the game and had a couple good tackles, a ruck that I was exceptionally proud of, and a few runs that show that even as an old guy on the field I can still take it to the young guys. Before the game I stopped by a competition that my roommate was a part of, and watched his first WOD. It was a good first competition for him and he did well. I hope that this puts a little spark in him, and I can get him to do some more competitions with me. Rest day is coming to a close, tomorrow the game starts all over again, 4×9 at 245 looms……

Which is worse 5×7 or 7×5?

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Last rep of last set, pain face in full effect

Yesterday was the former, today the latter, and to be honest I’m not sure which one was harder to do. Today’s weight moved up to 250 for the sets. The work was manageable and overall it was a good day in the gym. I’m working a lot of trap/shoulder work because it’s a weak point for me so I’m throwing in various movements after doing the squats and it’s been a help so far. The time in the gym is just what I need, and I’m finding myself falling back in love with my time there. It’s easy to get out of a groove when you feel like you just go in everyday without a real purpose that what you’re doing. For a long time I’ve bounced around between programs, tried this challenge and that, but not had a real drive other than to work out each day. Coming in with a set goal of breaking 400 in my back squat at the end of the cycle, and knowing that I’m working to get lean, look good, and move a ton of weight has been great. The warmer weather helps to I’m sure. I feel myself pushing harder, and looking to see how I may or may not be dropping some of that belly fat. It’s funny to look to drop a few pounds here and there compared to a few years ago when I was just trying to get under 300 pounds at all. I’m sure that I’ll dedicate an entire post in the near future to drive and motivation but for now it’s good just to see that spark come back and walk into C3 with a pep to my step.

Besid2015-04-16 23.56.16es having the good experience in the gym my day was only decent. I got an email from Vitamin shoppe last night about a protein sale, I took a special trip out there and walked in to talk to the guy working and he had no idea what I was talking about, and the product advertised was not even being carried by them currently. He offered no substitutions or anything to compensate me for the extra trip, and for now I can say that I likely won’t be going back there for protein anytime soon. Just once again reinforces my love of Amazon and being a Prime member. I also had a guy come over looking to trade his motorcycle for my camper. I have a pop up that is going to be the base for a tiny house that I’m designing. But if he wants to trade I’ll grab up a new motorcycle and find a different trailer to build on. I learned to ride at 7, the same weekend that my sister was born and over the last few years I haven’t had a bike and it’s been kind of sad. Plus I’d love to be the teacher that rolls up to school on a motorcycle to teach for these last few weeks.

I would say that today was a pretty good day all things considered, anytime you can knock out sets heavy 5’s and then look to get a new motorcycle is a good one in my books. Can’t wait to close out the week tomorrow and get to Saturday because Saturday is a Rugby Day!

On Wednesdays we wear Squats

Today was day 2 of squats for this week, I’m into the mesocycle which is 4 days/week for three2015-04-15 16.52.41

weeks. Today’s work was 5×7 at 235 and after yesterday I’ll admit that I was feeling a little sore going into the day. My body is getting used to this volume and taking on the number of sets and reps that I’ll be doing will be an adjustment for sure. Overall I’m happy with the way that my time went under the bar today. I’m also happy that I chose not to do the WOD and instead to work on some accessory work. I’m trying to build up some shoulder strength so I worked shoulders with a few movements before calling it a day after just shy of two hours of work. It’s good to go in and get some work done and take on your weaknesses and not feel like you’re going to be dead by the time that you’re done with the work for the day.

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Coming home I started my project for my race that’s coming in a couple weeks. On the first weekend of May I’ll be running at 5k at Six Flags in St. Louis. I’ve never run a race before and while I’ve run 5k and even more I generally only do it because I have to and not because I enjoy it. But for some reason the Army likes me to be able to run, and they require that I pass a PT test that includes a 2 mile run so this will be a good diagnostic for where I’m at and if I need to start doing some runs or if just my conditioning from CrossFit is enough to just show up and run the 2 miles come PT test day. I’m going to camp at a campground and use my truck and a parachute that I have as a tent. So I built a frame from PVC and put the parachute over the top of it. Here’s what it looked like at my first attempt. As you can see it’s way bigger than it needs to be and I’m going to put that to use, it will cover the front of the truck as well and have 2015-04-15 20.15.31some extra to be held up with a pole for entry and exit. Should make a great shelter for a weekend race, a trip to the woods, or a time to go ride at another amusement park. With an 8 foot bed there’s plenty of room in there for at least two more people. Now to just plan some summer trips.

I finished my night by taking the test to be a part of Jeopardy for next year. I’ve wondered if I was good enough to get on and when I found out they were doing the online testing I figured why not give it a shot. So fingers crossed that I didn’t do too badly and I might get a chance to take on the next round of testing. In all day two of the week in the gym was good, two more squat days to go, then time for some rugby on Saturday before I take on the Squat cycle again come Sunday. I’m really pushing on this system and I’m dreaming of hitting that 400 plus pound squat come the end of this thing. Work hard and keep your head down, and the progress just keeps on coming.

Getting a new week underway

Easter is over and it’s time to work off those chocolate bunnies, big meals, and all that other candy that you all ate…..

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Proof that I did in fact eat some candy.

Well I did have a bunny, my first since I decided to lose weight and went Paleo in 2011, and I played a good amount of Playstation taking a weekend to let the tattoo have some time to heal and relieve some stress. But I didn’t have big meals, and didn’t have much in the way of candy. I even missed out on the chance to have a Hot Cross Bun and relive memories from trips to the UK.  But the weekend was over and it was time to get to work, my school already had spring break so it was time to hit the ground running. Well hit the ground in meetings all day because we had teacher meetings and the kids were off today.

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Squat essentials, Iced coffee and my Journal

After a full day of teacher meetings which including a long lunch that let me run out and grab some delicious Chipotle. Which if anybody there is reading this I would be happy to talk about my love of all things Double meat Carnitas salad in exchange for a few gift cards….but that could be another post. This afternoon it was time to begin week 2 of the Smolov cycle, and also to take on our current strength complex for the Clean. The Complex is 1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk. After the complex we took 60% to complete Death by Power Cleans with 3 Burpees at the top of each minute. My Smolov for the day was just 2 working sets of 2 at 270, then my heaviest complex was the same as last week at 235, I actually got 245, but hit my chin on the jerk and that ended that lifting session. I tried again but was in my head and couldn’t jerk it. Then I started the workout at 135, but after 6 minutes is was apparent the tattoo was having none of this clean the bar directly onto the freshly done color work and I called it a day. Really I should have found a substitute for today’s work from the beginning but that was my mistake, and I’ll be more careful about what I’m doing the next few days to address the issue.

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After getting done with everything and getting home it was some good old time with the pup and enjoying an evening before the short week begins. I’m back out of town on Thursday night because I have drill this weekend coming up. So I’m only doing 3 days in front of the classroom before I’m off again in what I consider to be my real uniform. With a short week and quick turnaround my meal prep was very quick this week and while I find myself to already be experiencing the effects of the squatting that I saw hinted to online I didn’t make all that much food.  This was a good start to the week for sure, the program is starting to work, and I’m feeling as though I’m starting to improve. If nothing else this is forcing me to take some extra time on my mobility which is never a bad thing.

A guy, his pup, and Easter weekend

I woke up this morning and because I’m not allowed to go to they gym till Monday while the tattoo get’s a couple days to heal I enjoyed a slow start to the day. Theodore and I spent the morning hanging out and he got his weekly bath, which I’m sure is his favorite. It is always weird for me to not spend time in the gym, it has become part of my life that having a day without it leaves me feeling a little lost.

Today was a beautiful day though and spending time outside, doing my normal weekend routine, and hanging out with the pup made for a good day. This weekend is Easter and normally I’d be at home with the family, but not this year, so I’m hanging out with the pup, enjoying a couple days, and going to the early Easter service here in town tomorrow. Monday is full of teacher meetings without the kids and since I don’t come back in the fall I’ll be spending the day there but completely checked out.  Two days before I’m back in front of the classroom, and then Drill next weekend means that it should be a pretty low key week. Looking forward to the second introductory week of Smolov. Another 3 days of squatting makes for a good week, and just a short time till I’m under the bar 4 days a week for the first Mesocycle.

Don't put new sheets on the bed on tattoo day.

Don’t put new sheets on the bed on tattoo day.

Food Prepping bacon....

Food Prepping bacon….

peppers and onions

peppers and onions

Volume for days

2015-04-01 09.49.16Today was a great day all around. It started with the job, I took my seniors on a field trip to the capitol building and hung out downtown. It’s great to get a chance to see the kids outside the classroom and to let them see you in a role slightly different from the one that is inside the classroom. All around I think that it was a great day, I didn’t lose any kids, and nobody got hurt. And of course I’m sure there are some good stories that they will take forward with them.

2015-04-02 03.12.08 After school I made my way to get today’s Smolov done, and also to do what the programming for the day was. Smolov sets were the last squatting that I would do for the week, and they ended with a single at 285, not all that heavy for me but since it was the third day in a row and I’ve been doing Wods and Rugby my body is feeling the effects. As I said to people today, “When you’re doing Smolov walking is hard.” I ended up doing the single twice, because I didn’t like the first rep and wanted a perfect rep to end the week. After the squats the wod for Capital City CrossFit was 400M run then reps of Deadlift and Front Squats 18/9, 14/7, 10/5, 6/3. The legs were not happy with this combo and while I was able to string individual movements unbroken, doing the couplet together was not happening. I finished in 8:25. Not a horrible result. After a few minutes to recover I had my olympic complex 1 Snatch Deadlift, 1 Power Snatch, 1 Hang Power Snatch. It was obvious from the warm up sets at 95 that my CNS was having none of this nonsense. I worked up to hit 145, called it a day before I hurt myself and went home.

2015-04-02 03.12.38I can tell that my squat is going to improve greatly, and the torture of the volume and load combined will make my mental toughness increase a lot as well. Week one is in the books, I’ve got a Friday Wod, appointment to finish the left arm tattoo, and a chance to celebrate Easter with the Folks at St. Paul’s. Next week is the last week of the introductory phase, 3 more days of squats, and a change to get ready to start taking on 4 brutal days under the bar chasing that 400 plus pound back squat.

Smolov and Rugby, a rough combo

Today was day 2 of the introductory phase to my work in Smolov. I squeezed it into the time between school and rugby practice. Working sets today were the same as last time and they felt much better before doing any other work compared to yesterday where I did them after 15.5. This is going to be a brutal 13 weeks, I knew it going in and actually looked forward to the beatdown that I was going to be putting my body through. After finishing the squats, and throwing in some quick upper body work to get a little extra work in I was off to rugby. From the moment I walked onto the field I knew that it was going to be a long practice. My system was taxed enough already from the squats and I knew that running and moving at practice was going to be a chore. Rugby usually lasts just shy of 3 hours and tonight was no exception. After running the field for hours, and doing a day of squats I was ready for dinner for sure.

Since deciding to take on this program I have found a new fire that has given me some new focus. It’s easy to let your mind wander after 3 years of living this different lifestyle. And since returning from Fort Sill over the summer and being out of the gym for months I could tell that I had lost my way a bit. Returning to single life, and finding a new program has given me the focus I need. It’s odd to say it, but sometimes it feels like I can either let other people into my life and look for a relationship or I can have serious focus in the gym. The single life gives me a hunger, that’s just not there when I’m dating someone. Whatever the reason might be, it’s me and Theodore (the pup) and that’s how it works great. He’s around for me, and I’m there for him, and still have the drive to be in the gym working out and chasing gains as much as possible. Maybe someday I’ll find a lady that shares my drive and we can chase gym gains together but for now I’m happy where I am, and I’m going to get past that 400lb barrier this year.